
Zappy hour—

The Brief

The 24/7 convenience store, Zapp, wanted to gain category leadership and drive brand awareness as the new delivery app on the block. By using VIP talent to tap into the capital’s tastemakers, we aligned with rappers, gamers, techies and fashionistas who would put the taps into Zapp.


Our strategy centred on a proactive gifting programme, delivering to 25-30 brand partners per month who promote Zapp’s general offer, alongside targeted gifting moments around the UK’s cultural calendar including Wimbledon, Picnic Week, the Euro Championships and National Tequila Day. We created an Instagram focused event for their Zappy Hour initiative, from venue sourcing to securing well known London DJ Addy Edgal and VIP guest list management, we created multiple photo and video touch points to create content that promoted the Zappy Hour competition.

Zapp screenshots


Each gifting round was purposefully designed to deliver a drumbeat of content and provide Zapp with a bank of UGC assets to repost across key social channels. Thanks to our little black book of contacts, our hero talent includes Emma Louise Connolly, Proudlock, Francesca Farago, Demi Sims and Richard Lee Massey. The results have been outstanding with 120 VIPs secured, 157 Instagram posts, 16.2M reach and ten long term contracts offered. The majority of the gifted content included swipe-up mechanisms which enabled Zapp to track downloads and conversion and offer long term partnerships to those who would have otherwise been snapped up by the competition.

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